Rapid tests with immediate results
No need to make an appointment for testing – just come right in – Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00
222 075 120
Národní 9, 110 00 Praha 1, 3p
No need to make an appointment for testing – just come right in – Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00
Our Center for Health Care for Musicians is the only such center in the Czech Republic specializing in problems arising from playing musical instruments.
Why look for different doctors in different places when you find them all at our Policlinic?
We listen to you, because only you know how you really feel. We treat according to international protocols.
Our occupational medical services combine quality and personal care for your employees in different fields.
The Musician Health Care Center specializes in the prevention and treatment of ailments related to playing a musical instrument.
Are you not sure if you have been vaccinated against measles or are afraid it has been so long that your immunity might not be sufficient? You can have a simple antibody test done. “We offer the possibility to test every Monday,” says MUDr. Martin Jan Stránský M.D, FACP, Director of the Polyclinic at Národní […]
Ticks and mosquitoes, are among the most common carriers of diseases. The number of people affected by the diseases transmitted by insects in the Czech Republic is increasing every year, due to climate change. Some of the infections, including viral tick-borne meningoencephalitis, Lyme borreliosis, ehrlichiosis or babesiosis, are carried by every fourth tick. You can […]
With the warm weather, there are various new methods and preparations for weight loss. But which ones really work? “There’s no guarantee” says the leading Czech obesitologist MUDr. Taťána Staňková from the Center for Metabolism and Nutrition Disorders at the Polyclinic at Národní in Prague. “If you need to lose two or three pounds for […]
Children who spend at least seven hours a day on smart device screens are changing their brain structure. What is more, modern technologies are gradually depriving us of natural evolutionary capabilities. Our ability to express, reason and problem solve diminishes. Open full article