If you’re looking for a „doctor for men,“then it’s an andrologist, a specialist regarding the health of male reproductive organs, both preventively and therapeutically. Andrology at the Polyclinic on Národní uses the most modern methods for the treatment of male infertility. In addition to reproductive problems and congenital defects, we also treat and cure sexual […]

We provide an individualized approach to the needs of your body as part of your treatment plan. In cooperation with doctors, especially our orthopedists and neurologists, we provide appropriate rehabilitation for back, joint and limb pains. We will become part of your convalescence after orthopedic surgery, spinal surgery or sport or other injuries.

Health care for musicians
Just as sportsmen have sports doctors, musicians also need their doctors. Playing any instrument is basically a challenging athletic task, since there is an unnatural burden on certain muscles for excessively long periods of time. The Music Center Healthcare Team (neurologist, orthopedist and physiotherapist) will advise you on how to prevent the problem and can […]